Dalla pandemia all’infodemia. Ironia sui nostri tempi. Con l’aiuto di Eco, Trilussa e….della dottoressa Mikovits
Categoria: Opinions
Thediagonales intervista Gabriel Echeverria
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The situation where, in a shared-resource system, individual users acts independently according to their own self-interest, behaving contrary to the common good of all users by depleting or spoiling the shared resource through their collective action, is speaked as “tragedy of the commons”. It is that attend us after the crisis?
by Mario Campli*, Italy, excusive for thediagonales – In questo tempo di “angoscia” (da angus-stretto) che paradossalmente ci […]
by Julio Peña y Lillo E. – It is clear that if we are not able to alter the conditions that favored this whole crisis (violence against nature, squalid health systems, the powerlessness of the States to regulate capital), we will not have solved any problem, and we will remain as global society, once again exposed to an upcoming plague with the respective costs that this implies.
The power of communication is never stressed enough. Every war has a more visible and a less visible dimension. The ability to listen and dialogue with those parts of the system capable of driving the others is therefore indispensable, building clear and effective narratives that take into account the concrete psychological effects on people.
by Rosetta Alberto, Italy – Perché il sud Italia è meno colpito di altre aree della penisola? E come mai alcune fasce di popolazione sembrano quasi immuni al virus? E’ plausibile che l’arretratezza possa essere fattore di equilibrio insieme alla cautela e rispetto della fauna selvatica?
The text describes a day of confinement in Guayaquil due to COVID19. Guayaquil is being hit by the pandemic, and images of bodies on the streets have traveled the world. The author, Santiago Roldós, is an Ecuadorian playwright and writer, the son of Jame Roldós, the country’s first president of the return to democracy in 1979, who was orphaned at the age of 10.